How It Works

Here’s the skinny

Firstly, we meet with you to discuss your business. We speak to you at length, to get a real feel for your business.


We run through a basic marketing brief. For example, we might ask you…

  • What is your point of difference?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Why do your customers buy from you?
  • What are your most frequently asked questions?
  • What messages would you like?

And, most importantly, we LISTEN.

After all, no one knows YOUR business better than YOU.

Next, we write eight original messages, especially for your business. You then get a chance to look over them and provide feedback. Using this feedback, we finalise the messages. (by messages we mean a 25 second sound byte about a particular aspect of your business)

Each message can be set to turn itself on or off at any given date and time. (i.e. a Christmas message can turn itself on in December and then turn itself off the day you come back to work from your break)

Throughout the year we follow you up, so you can take advantage of regular updates, turning them on and off as needed. You are entitled to 8 free new messages per year which can either be added to the mix or replace any message currently playing.   Anytime you have an idea for a new script, just give us a call.  If you don’t require regular updates, you can save them for when you need them.